May is Mental Health Awareness Month. There are a number of practices that foster good mental health. We encourage you to celebrate mental health month in a constructive way by making it a point to:
Make sleep a priority
Show care by volunteering
View each day as a blessing
Forgive others
Eat well, change your diet if necessary
Talk to someone you trust
Do something you enjoy
Hug a pet (with permission!)
Say I love you to someone you love
Begin each day with 3 expressions of gratitude (be specific)
Call a friend
Say yes to good decisions
Take care of your body
Quiet your mind (take a break from social media, your phone, and your computer)
Talk about your feelings
Find something to laugh about
Treat yourself with kindness
Enjoy nature
Think positively
Check in with your social support group
Stay away from harmful substances
Think before you speak
Stop your inner critic!
Pick a few or even one to start. Work your way slowly through the list.
If you find yourself struggling with the notion of practicing several of these ideas or feel like you are unable, consider seeking professional help. You are not alone. Many people are broken and hurt in some aspect of their life.
Some hindrances to mental health wellness are faulty thought patterns or core beliefs, damaged feelings, strained relationships, past abuse, poor choices, addictions, and a negative way of seeing yourself and others. These realities lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental issues. Counseling helps you become aware of the impact of these forces in your life and teaches you how to manage them. Celebrate mental health month by embracing the practices of healthy, positive, and empowering mental health.
-Michael P. Groves, MA, NCC, LPC
LifeSpring Behavioral Health